I decided to make this site because i thought it would be cool and seeing as it is that I enjoy surfing the net and like
computers, why not. now before i go on let me just say that I am in no way a nerd or geek!! i am a typical 23 year old male
who has had one hellacious life and happens to like this stuff. As for my life, well, that's a long story and if you want
to know about it, KEEP READING!!
well, if you have made it this far, you gotta be wanting to get to know me better, in that case here is some more information
about me. I weas born on march 13, 1980 in salem, massachusetts and I guess you could say I kinda got shafted when I was
born. I say that not because of my family because believe me, I got one of the best families in the world. no, I say that
because when I was born, I was born with a handicap unfortunately and it has been nothing but a real big pain in the ass!!
when I tell you about it, you'll understand why I say that.

the physical handicap I was born with is a genetic disease called aperts syndrome and it affects the way the bones form before
a person is born. now because it's a genetic disease doesn't mean my whole family has it, I was the first one to get it and
so far I'm the only one so I guess you could say my luck kinda sucks but the good news is that I have an awesome family so
I am lucky in that respect. Because of my handicap, I have had to have numerous operations to correct anything that didn't
form right when I was born and I tend to think that I was lucky to be born in a time when the technology and medical knowledge
exists so that doctor's can fix almost any problem and do an awesome job while they're at it. If you would like to know more
about aperts syndrome, you can contact me and ask me your question or just look it up on yahoo. I have found good sources
of information about it there. until next time